Been In A Car Accident? 5 Instances When An Attorney Is Necessary

When you are involved in a car accident, you may wonder whether or not you need a lawyer. Insurance is often the best possible way to handle minor injuries and damage to your vehicle. However, some accidents result in major damage and serious injuries. In these cases, a professional may be necessary. Here are five instances when you should consider hiring an experienced car accident attorney to handle your case:

1. When There Is a Dispute Regarding Who Caused the Accident.

Following a car accident, the party who caused the accident is deemed at-fault. This person is also usually responsible for the other individual's injuries and damages. In some cases, there may be a dispute regarding who exactly caused the accident. If this is the case, a lawyer can help gather evidence and prove the other individuals is entirely – or at least partially – at fault for the accident.

2. When There Is a Dispute Regarding the Amount of Money You'll Pay or Receive.

Some car accident lawsuits are settled prior to ever going to trial, which is a good thing in most circumstances. However, it doesn't mean that it is an easy road to get there. In fact, it isn't uncommon to need to negotiate your settlement amount to ensure that you get full and fair compensation for the damages and injuries that you suffered. This is a tricky situation, but a lawyer can make it easier.

3.  When There Are Serious Injuries Sustained.

Following a car accident, some injuries are minor and do not require legal resolution. However, some are very serious and could require long-term medical care. If this is the case, you may find that it is more difficult to properly calculate the damages that you are entitled to. This is particularly true since these damages will likely increase in amount. An attorney will be knowledgeable in how to prove the amount that you are seeking and how to fight any disputes brought up in talks or in court.

4. When You Are Being Sued.

If you are facing a lawsuit following an accident, it is important that you seek the help of a professional and experienced lawyer to help you defend yourself. It can be time-consuming, frustrating and complicated to find all of the evidence that you need to properly defend yourself and negotiate a fair settlement in or out of court.

5. When You Simply Don't Want to Handle It On Your Own.

You've been through enough as it is and you just simply can't bear the thought of having to deal with an insurance claim or a lawsuit. It takes a lot of time and the laws are hard to understand. A lawyer on your side can help take some of the pressure off of you, assist in gathering all of the vital evidence for the case, make sure you don't miss a critical deadline, and help you avoid being offered a settlement amount that is unfair.

If you've been in a car accident and would like to seek professional help, contact a local car accident attorney like Master Weinstein Shatz Moyer, P.C. to schedule a meeting. Most lawyers offer free consultations, so you can get a grasp on the strength of your case before you pay a dime.  
