Two Questions About Bike Related Dooring Accidents

As a bicyclist, one of your fears of riding in the street may be what happens if you were to hit someone's car door, commonly known as a dooring accident. It can happen suddenly and without warning, leaving you with major injuries. Here are some things to know about this unique type of bike accident that can cause a personal injury.

Who Is At Fault?

It's always important to look at the laws in your state related to dooring accidents because every state differs regarding this specific type of accident. A handful of states have no laws regarding dooring accidents, with it always being a driver's responsibility to be on the lookout for bicyclists. However, the vast majority of states have laws stating that the driver is responsible for not opening their door in a bike lane specifically.

It's possible that your state has laws about the driver not leaving their door open in the bike lane for an unreasonable amount of time. Even if the door was open for a long time prior to running into it, the driver may still be responsible since they obstructed a bike lane. The wording will be a large determining factor when determining who is at fault.

Is The Driver Of The Vehicle Always At Fault?

There can be some confusion about who is responsible for a dooring accident since there could be multiple people in a car opening the doors. For instance, if a passenger of a car opens the door in the path of a bicyclist, it could actually be the fault of the passenger for causing the injury. Even though someone else was driving the vehicle and parked it in a spot next to a bike lane, it is the responsibility of each passenger to not open their door into a bike lane with oncoming bicyclists. 

You'll always want to seek compensation from the responsible person, and that person can use their own auto insurance to help protect themselves financially from paying compensation. Even though they were not driving the vehicle, it is vehicle-related and they can use their liability coverage to pay for the damages. 

While knowing who is responsible for a dooring accident may seem straightforward, it can be difficult to get the compensation you deserve. Work with an injury lawyer in your area that specializes in pedestrian accidents so that you can go after the correct party to have your injuries covered. 

For more information contact a lawyer in your area that specializes in pedestrian injuries.
